招聘职位:机长与副驾驶工作地点:柬埔寨 职位名称:Captain and First Officer工作地点:Cambodia 执飞机型:新舟系列Aircraft Type: Modern Ark (MA) 国籍要求:不限Nationality: Any nationality 薪酬待遇:公司将提供极具竞争力的薪酬及其它福利待遇。Salary:The company will provide the most competitive salary with additional benefits. 岗位要求(Job Requirements): 年龄50周岁以下。Below 50 years old. 持有有效护照,其所属国与柬埔寨有外交关系。Hold a valid passport issued by a country that has diplomatic relations with Cambodia. 持有航线驾驶员执照/商用驾驶员执照,符合国际民航组织标准,无不符合标准的签注。Hold an ATPL/CPL and the license complies with ICAO standards and endorsement. 持有有效的一级体检合格证。Hold a valid First Class Medical Certificate. 具有ICAO四级或以上英语能力。ICAO Level 4 (or equivalent) English proficiency. 无航空事故或犯罪记录。No history of incidents or accidents; No criminal history. 具有新舟60或ATR或CRJ级别(含)以上机型型别等级签注及仪表等级签注。Have MA-60, ATR, or CRJ type (include) or above type rating endorsement and instrument rating.
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